Almanac Version History

We are continuously improving and adding features to the almanac. One of the great advantages of printing on-demand is that we carry no inventory, and a new version of the almanac can be made available to order as soon as we create it. We encourage you to check back here often to see new features, or you can subscribe to our newsletter for updates. And if you happen to notice any bugs or have suggestions for improvement, please let us know at

You can find the version number of your almanac on the copyright page at the start of your book, or on the last page of your wall calendar.

v2.4.5 (released Jan 14, 2025)

Bug Fixes

v2.4.4 (released Dec 21, 2024)


v2.4.3 (released Dec 5, 2024)


v2.4.2 (released Dec 3, 2024)

Bug Fixes

v2.4.1 (released Nov 8, 2024)

Bug Fixes

v2.4.0 (released Oct 12, 2024)


v2.3.10 (released Aug 22, 2024)

Bug Fixes

v2.3.9 (released Apr 26, 2024)

Bug Fixes

v2.3.8 (released Nov 18, 2023)

Bug Fixes

v2.3.7 (released Sep 18, 2023)


v2.3.6 (released July 7, 2023)


v2.3.5 (released March 21, 2023)

Bug Fixes

v2.3.4 (released December 5, 2022)


Note that for the first month that this version was available, it was only used in almanacs and calendars that actually benefitted from the updated layout, so the majority of customers continued to receive version 2.3.3 during this period. 2.3.4 became the default version on Jan 5, 2023.

v2.3.3 (released November 15, 2022)


v2.3.2 (released November 10, 2022)


v2.3.1 (released November 5, 2022)


v2.3.0 (released October 31, 2022)


v2.2.5 (released September 7, 2022)

Bug Fixes

v2.2.4 (released January 31, 2022)

Bug Fixes

v2.2.3 (released November 16, 2021)


v2.2.2 (released September 28, 2021)


v2.2.1 (released June 12, 2021)

Bug Fixes

v2.2.0 (released May 28, 2021)


v2.1.3 (released December 11, 2020)


v2.1.2 (released December 8, 2020)


Bug Fixes

v2.1.1 (released November 26, 2020)


This version sees the introduction of the beta release of our printed wall calendar!

Bug Fixes

In a few rare circumstances an aspect could be missed when the planet being transited was extremely close to the end-of-sign cusp.

v2.1.0 (released September 22, 2020)


Bug Fixes

v2.0.5 (released July 11, 2020)


Added Moon phase times to the moon phase callout in the weekly calendar.

v2.0.4 (released July 8, 2020)

Bug Fixes

This version fixed a bug that listed the wrong degree for crescent and gibbous moons. The timing and zodiac sign of the Moon phases listed were correct, however we mistakenly listed the degree of the Sun rather than the Moon.

Errata - Moon Phases PDF Files: 2020 | 2021

Many thanks to Ashley Otero for spotting the issue!

v2.0.3 (released July 2, 2020)

Bug Fixes

This version fixed a bug that in very rare situations resulted in failure to identify a natal transit. The only occurrence we saw caused a 2º applying orb entry event to be missed, resulting in a single transit line in the transit overview starting earlier than it should have. The issue occured only if a natal transit event (e.g. transiting Jupiter trine natal Mercury) happened in the exact same hour as the inverse transit (e.g. transiting Mercury trine natal Jupiter), and even then, only under certain conditions.

v2.0.2 (released June 19, 2020)

Bug Fixes

This version fixed a bug where multiple events occurring in the same minute were occassionally listed in incorrect order. With version 2.0.2, event times are now calculated with accuracy to the second when there are multiple events in the same minute, allowing them to be properly ordered.

v2.0.1 (released June 8, 2020)

This version introduced a change in the backend PDF generation system, and did not result in any changes to the almanac content itself.

v2.0.0 (released May 22, 2020)

Version 2 was released at the virtual Northwest Astrological Conference (NORWAC)! This new version includes:

We've also added plugins — optional elements that you can include in your almanac!

Solar Return Plugin

The solar return plugin is a free add-on that prints two solar return charts in your almanac — your current or most recent solar return and your next one coming up. By default the charts are set to your natal location, but you can customize both return charts independently to the location of your choice.

Hellenistic Plugin

The Hellenistic plugin is a $5 optional add-on that adds a number of traditional astrology elements to the almanac. The plugin will be free during a beta period while we refine and gather feedback! It includes:

Throughout the summer, we'll refine and expand these features based on experience and customer feedback, and Version 2.1 is scheduled to come out in September.

We encourage you to purchase a 6-month edition of your almanac, so you can stay up-to-date with our latest release!

v1.3.4 (released Feb 25, 2020)

Bug Fixes

Our first customer reported bug is fixed in this version. Two mundane transits of the Moon were missing from the almanac in 2020. Specifically, trine aspects of the moon to retrograde planets that occurred in the same hour as the Moon changed sign were missing. The 2020 errata for versions prior to 1.3.4:

  1. March 4th, 2020 04:44 (UTC): Moon trine retrograde Mercury, 19 minutes after the Moon moves into Cancer.
  2. June 27th, 2020 20:43 (UTC): Moon trine retrograde Saturn, 27 minutes after the Moon moves into Libra.

There are no errata as a result of this bug in any published months during 2019 or 2021.

Many thanks to Randon Rosenbohm of @good_horoscope for spotting the issue!

v1.3.3 (released Oct 26, 2019)


v1.3.1 (released Sep 3, 2019)

Bug Fixes

v1.3.0 (released August 22, 2019)


v1.2.1 (released August 18, 2019)


v1.1.1 (released July 7, 2019)


v1.0.4 (released July 7, 2019)


v1.0.3 (released June 9, 2019)


v1.0.2 (released June 6, 2019)


v1.0.1 (released May 31, 2019)


Bug Fixes

v1.0.0 (released May 24, 2019)

© 2024 Honeycomb Collective